Friday, November 18, 2011

No More Nutchos... Kinda.

My friend Raph asked "Oh sweet wizard of all things candy, please tell me WHERE I CAN FIND NUTCHOS. Or maybe you have some inside scoop as to why they don't make em anymore?"  I had completely forgotten about Nutchos, but the minute he suggested them my mouth started watering and I craved them like crazy.  I did a little investigating and I discovered that they were only recently discontinued by Nestle. I asked the folks at Nestle and they said "Nutchos were launched November 1, 2007 and discontinued in 2010 as a marketing decision"

Sorry Raph, it appears buying a box of Nutchos is not in the cards.  Unless you want to start a campaign to bring them back. I did however find a few recipes for them online from other people that felt the same way you did.



  1. 2007?? my sister use to buy them for me for christmas and my birthday every year,,that was 28+ years ago

  2. That's strange... I bet they used to be manufactured by a different company before 2007, and then Nestle bought them.

  3. They were definitely around longer than that! I remember my grandmother buying these for us when I was a teen (she passed away when I was 19) and that was about 25 years ago!
    Would love to see them brought back... In their original recipe - without the crisps they added in at the end of their lifespan. Betting the crisps killed sales and were therefore discontinued. :(

  4. Nutchos was a Christmas time tradition for as far back as I can remember. The last year they were available, theRe was a second flavor option... Peanut Butter Nutchos. After the Christmas week, stores had sold out on the original Nutchos, and there were piles and piles of the Peanut Butter flavor sitting there that no one was interested in buying. It just didn't even sound appealing. Nutchos were unique and special. You can buy chocolate covered peanut butter/peanuts almost anywhere. But stores had not had enough of the original nutchos to satisfy demand, and the peanut butter version was not selling, and I remember feeling that this had been a very costly marketing attempt for the company. They probably lost their shirts that year. The following year, nutchos were not to be found anywhere. Sad, because they were a huge success, and would be again if they would bring back the original recipe.

  5. Interesting, so maybe the loss of Nutchos was because of a bad flavour decision. That would be tragic. Maybe I should start a Kick-starter to have Nutchos returned? Would anybody contribute?

  6. My girlfriend and i were just talking about favourite choclates as kids, and i remember nutchos from the time i was 6, iam 42 now. Yes i wish they would bring them back.

  7. I wonder if they still hold up after all this time?

  8. You mentioned they were launched in 2007 , I am a little confused as I had a box of them given to me in the early 80s in Toronto from my grandmother who died in 1997

  9. Interesting. I did some research online (normally a truly reliable source) and the consensus I found was that they were made in 2007. I'll certainly defer to your exspirience.

  10. They were available in the 80's. When i was a kid my parents and grandparents always bought them on Christmas. I miss them.

  11. Its truly sho ks me that a company like nestle would buy the company and then shut it down .thats just bad karma
    why not leave it and let the origianal company keep making .very customer satifaction decision. Lost me as a customer .

  12. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Bring back the original Nutchos. Was always a Christmas Treat at our house.

  13. Yup. I’ve eaten this 30 years ago. I’d get my wife to put a box in my stocking for Christmas each year....until they stopped making them. 😢. #bringbackthenutchos #achristmasmiracle

  14. Anonymous1:18 AM

    We used to get these in the late 70s early 80s, If I’m not mistaken they came in an octagonal box.

  15. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I agree they were around years ago as I always gave them to my son for Xmas and he would have been 47 this Xmas.

  16. The original needs to return. Was and is the best

  17. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I’ve been looking for them for my husband. They were his favourite!
