Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Super Bite Part 1 - The Sweet Stack

Creating flavour combinations is really a challenge.  Candy companies and chefs spend their whole life developing the perfect combinations that make us want to drool.  I've decided that I'm going to throw my hat in the ring and attempt to construct the perfect bite.  My rules are simple, create the greatest sweet combination, it must be edible in one bite, and it must be super decadent.
To start off this experiment I decided that I would take some of my favorite sweet things and mash them up together.  A chocolate chip cookie, a fine milk chocolate truffle, some butterscotch, and some ice cream.  I figure that if I enjoy all of these items separately, I'd probably enjoy them all together as well.  In fact I figure it'll make a super sweet treat like the world has never seen before.
Visually I was kind of surprised at how good it looked.  Admit it, that looks pretty tasty, and you'd probably buy that at high end sweet shop.  The only thing I'd change about the look is the shape of the chocolate I used, maybe a round ball might have looked better.
As far as eating it goes, it wasn't really the success I was hoping for.  The flavour was pretty good, but the chocolate proved to be a big problem.  First of all it kept slipping off of the ice cream and almost ended up on the floor.  Secondly the ice cream cooled the chocolate right down and made the it really hard to bite through.  Because of this I almost choked on the chocolate and I wasn't able to bite into it immediately thus not really blending the flavours together.  The ice cream and butter scotch were pretty much gone by the time I could manage the chocolate.  As a first experiment I can say that it wasn't perfect, but it was a step into the right direction.


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