Thursday, November 03, 2011

SweBurger In Greece

As you can imagine SweBurger is a Swedish burger chain that has recently expanded to Greece.  I'm not sure if they have other locations around the world other than Greece and Sweden though.  I figured I would wait till my Swedish friend Alex was available to sample this burger because his national pride could only make this experience better.  As it turns out I didn't just sample a burger, but I learned something about Sweden and even about international food choices.
I have to be honest I wasn't really that impressed with this burger at first.  Actually as far as my personal tastes go it never really got any better.  The patty was thin and it tasted frozen, the topping proportion was about the best part of this whole burger as nothing really overpowered it.  The bun was pretty much like every other fast food bun I've ever eaten, not that great.  The thing I'm told, by my friend Alex, is that this is just how the folks in Sweden like their burgers.  Apparently the fat American style burgers are often too dry and the proportions of meat to bun and toppings is always off.  Also the idea of being presented your burger open faced is just not done in Sweden.  I have to say that I've never really thought that much about how other cultures intemperate the hamburger and I've always assumed that the good points of a burger are universal.  Am I wrong about this, are there people out there that think a thick meat patty is too much and ruins a burger?


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