Thursday, December 29, 2011

Field report; Orange Jellies from Japan

Greetings candy enthusiasts.  This is Brent, your sometimes friendly field reporter coming to you live from the land of the rising sun.  As I have recently consumed sweets and eatables from this stange and mysterious land - I feel compelled to share with you my profound thoughts and feelings.  Join me as I take you on a magical journey in which we discover the wonders of my recent snackable.

Pictured precariously perched is the subject of our tale; Mikan or Tangerine Jelly.  The first impression upon grabbing this gem from the refrigerator is that the jelly and fruit suspension spins freely in the container.  A singular tactile thrill for the average consumer.
Peel off the lid and find the heart of the matter.  The jelly is cool, clear and not over sweet.  The tangerines, none too stingy - I prefer this over my usual flavor, grape.  The grape jelly comes with only three or four grapes (complete with seeds for undoubtable freshness), the Mikan however comes chock full of fruit. This jelly comes in many other flavors.
Behold the confection in its intended state.  The tangerine is fresh and is a good compliment to the jelly.  Like marmalades cool cousin. One thing to note is that the sweetness of the fruit varies from package to package.  I give this orange jelly a solid 9 out of ten, losing a point only for the fact that the label did not peel off on the first attempt.  For the equivalent of a buck fifty its a good value and a solid addition to the candy lovers arsenal. 

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