Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Worst Candies I've Ever Reviewed - Part 2

The two questions I get most of all are "What's your favorite candy?" and "What's your least favorite candy?".  All this week I've decided to answer one of those questions with a list of the candies that have received the lowest review scores on www.candycritic.org.  Keep in mind that to qualify for this list the candy had to receive a score of 5 or less out of 15.
Gummy Bands 'with messages' - The idea of edible jewelry is not always a bad one.  In this case it's not only a bad idea, but it's a horrible idea.

Gummy Pop Corn - I remember seeing this treat on the shelf wondering if I could possibly live with myself without reviewing it.  I was fairly certain it would be a train wreck, but I was hopeful.  I love to be proven wrong about a treat that I assume will be horrible.  A train wreck is being kind to this product.

Heart Chocolate - I bought this treat at a trade show selling all kinds of stuff.  It was the only chocolate bar I saw at this show, and they claimed that it was the best tasting healthy chocolate you've ever eaten.  It might be healthy, but the taste is nowhere near "the best".

It’s Happy Bunny Toasted Marshmallow Egg - I think if your candy is being rude to you before you even ope it, it's probably going to be a disappointment.


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