Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Marzipan in Vienna

Marzipan is one of the most flexible candy products in the world when it comes to shape and colour.  Although it's not clear as to origins of marzipan, the fact is, many countries have latched onto this amazing almond paste and use it in many ways.  Austria is no exception, and you can find the stuff in just about every single sweet shop, cafe, and bakery.
In many cases marzipan is used in a relatively standard way.  You can find it in the center of the famous Mozart chocolates, inside many sweet treats, and it's also used to decorate treats and cakes with spectacular results.
The good thing is, the sweet makers don't stop there.  One of my favorite uses of marzipan that I saw all over Vienna,  is it being used  to make other foods.  Or at the very least when it's molded and coloured to look like other food.  Often the results are pretty fantastic, and even though I'm not a huge marzipan fan my mouth waters.
This being Vienna (one of the sausage/hot dog capitals of the world), you're bound to find marzipan decorated like the many varieties of tubed meat available. Although this looks spectacular as a piece of art, I'm not sure if it makes my mouth water like some of the other shapes available.  For the most part I like many types of sausages and wieners, but frankly I find them to look kind of unappetizing.
This also being Europe, you're bound to find marzipan in many erotic shapes as well.  As with the marzipan sausage, although I have to give them credit for the artistic merit of the treat, the idea of consuming small boobs isn't really that appealing... I wonder if that last sentence is  going to increase the traffic to this blog?


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