Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Viennese Review-A-Thon + A Little Something More

I'm going to do something that I don't normally do, I'm going to go a little further in the blog about the candy I just reviewed.  In this case this treat truly deserves about as much write up as one could possibly imagine.  It was a fine treat, it was tasty and original, but this treat also has the best (and most obscene) name that I think any innocent candy has ever had.
I'm not really sure what or who "Dickmann" is, but he sure has an unfortunate name, particularly if he wants to start marketing his namesake candy in the North America.  I'm also hoping that if he gains a great deal of success and moves to North America, that Mr Dickmann does something to make sure his kids aren't brutally teased in high school.  I would suggest either changing his last name, or giving away free Super Dickmann's to all of the kids at school.
On a side note, the packaging for this is also worth mentioning.  It has to be the most protective package I've ever seen for any treat ever.  They're fairly fragile, so it's useful, but most candy companies don't really think about this kind of thing.  The packaging was so good that I managed to fly my Super Dickmann's home in my suitcase with very little damage.

Click here to read the latest entry in our Viennese review-a-thon.


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