Thursday, February 09, 2012

Sesame Seeds In Your Chocolate

The other day, Allison brought me home a couple of pieces of chocolate.  The first, was a nice dark chocolate with whole hazelnuts inside.  If you have to describe your typical chocolate pairing in Europe, hazelnuts and dark chocolate would be it.  They love the flavour combination, and frankly Europeans love hazelnuts.  I've seen hazelnuts for sale in more stores and in more ways than any other place I've ever been.  This is one trend I'd like to see more of in North America.
The second piece of chocolate that she brought home was a little bit stranger, in fact I can't say I've ever seen anything like it before.  It was a smooth milk chocolate generously sprinkled with sesame seeds.  Although this is a flavour I've never tried, I would certainly like to try it again.
The sesame seeds added a very delicate flavour that added to the milk chocolate very nicely.  You couldn't really taste sesame, but instead you just tasted a changed chocolate flavour.  The texture was also nice because of the softness of the seeds.  This is something I hope chocolatiers try experimenting with even more in the future.


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