Monday, February 13, 2012

This Week In Candy

Candy News -  It's the Valentines Day week, so that means lots of people will be giving their sweety something sweet.  Now don't get me wrong, I love a good tradition. The thing is, I love a great unconventional Valentines Day gift myself.  This particular holiday gives you so many opportunities to be creative and it also gives candy companies that opportunity too.  Some candy companies have jumped on this, but many still insist that a heart shaped box of chocolates is good enough.  I think considering many people agree that Valentines Day is a "made up holiday", I think you're really wasting your time by not making it your own.

What's Happening At Candy Critic -  Well this week we're having an Israeli candy review-a-thon, which is proving to be very challenging.  It's challenging because we're just getting used to the new format of the webpage, but it's also challenging because of the package labels.  I'm doing my best with some help from Wikipedia and Google Translate, and then some friends are also contributing a little too.

Rant -  I don't want to give candy companies the idea that I don't want to know about their new treats.  It's very much the opposite, I love hearing about new treats, candy news, and I particularly like samples.  I just like to tackle one holiday at a time, and I'm starting to get Easter advertising already.  It's not that I can't organize myself, I'm just not in the Easter spirit yet.  This means if you're sending me information about Easter treats right now, I'm not really inclined to write about them.  Maybe next week would be better, but then you're starting to encroach on my birthday... hint... hint.


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