Monday, February 20, 2012

This Week In Candy

Candy News - The big news this past week in the candy world is about Mars' decision to change the size of their bars in order limit the calories.  While I am totally for portion control as a way to limit calories and increase health, I just hope Mars doesn't do this wrong.  As I've written in many reviews, ratio in a chocolate bar, or any candy, is a very important factor.  When a company shrinks a treat they can sometimes destroy the ratio balance and therefore ruin the treat.  For example, if your bar is nougat covered in chocolate, if you shrink the nougat and keep the same thickness of chocolate, you'll ruin the subtle taste of the nougat with too much chocolate.  I'll be watching you Mars, you better do this right.

What's Happening At Candy Critic - We just finished a fun review-a-thon featuring treats from Israel.  It's funny, whenever someone sends me treats from a place I've never been, it always makes me want to go.  I think it's because so many countries, all over the world, have very unique ideas when it comes to candy.  When I taste these treats I'm interested in trying more, and exploring the candy stores, bakeries, and coffee shops for myself.

Rant - As I've mentioned before in this blog, I'm starting to get advertising and notices about Easter.  While getting them before Valentines Day is a little disturbing, I'm more than happy to take them in and I'll probably start a selection of Easter links on this blog.  Today I realized something, what about St Patrick's Day?  Why do so many holidays, many of which have no real connection to candy, get sweet treats, but not St Patrick's Day?  I'll be honest, I'm not even sure I know of any "Irish" candy.  So I want to find some uniquely Irish candy and try and celebrate the right way.


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