Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Old Candy Critic Articles - Dinner Treats Part 1

I've decided to take down several old articles from the and re-post them here on the Candy Critic blog.  This week I'm posting Part 1 of an article I wrote about the candies you get after a dinner at a restaurant.  I posted so many treats in this article I've decided to break it up into several posts.

I never really thought about the industry that supplies candy to restaurants before. Often, when I go to a restaurant that doesn't require me to return a tray, I get a candy with my bill. The thing about this treat is when you get it with your bill, you never give it much thought. I mean there you are with your stomach full of mashed potatoes and a chicken dish with a really nice cream sauce, and someone hands you a candy. The last thing you're going to do is think about is the quality of this treat.

Well I decided to give it a little thought. I've decided that these treats need a little scrutiny, and maybe see if they're worth tipping over. So let's take a look at how I would tip if all I got was the treat at the end of the meal.  I should mention that each of these treats was collected after a real meal.


For some reason I love the way this candy looks, it's one of the best looking candies on the market. Taste wise it's kind of like a cream cycle, which now that I think about it I haven't had for years. I wonder if they still make them. This is the kind of treat that you know the owners of the restaurants actually gave a little thought.

Tip: 14%
Cherry Thing

You know why I like this candy; well it probably isn't the taste because it kind of taste like cherry bath products more than a fun cherry candy. But I like it because it has big pictures of what flavour it is on the package. Hey I'm a busy man and I don't have time reading packages after my big lunch break, I have people to meet and stuff.

Tip: 5%
Trebor Chocolate Mint

I have a horrible confession to make, I on occasion have been known to buy some of these for myself. I see them in the grocery store and my mouth starts to water. I can't explain it but I just have a thing for chocolate and mint, and these might be the main cause of my addiction. I'm a weak man.

Tip: 13%
Dare Mint

This is what I generally expect to find on my table when I finish a meal. A simple mint, in this case made by the nice people at Dare. The other thing about this particular mint is that when I received it, it was very seriously stale. It was a chewy on the outside and a little crunchy on the inside. As far as the flavour goes it wasn't really that minty. Had I eaten a really garlic filled meal, it probably wouldn't have helped my breath at all.

Tip: 8%


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