Monday, March 05, 2012

This Week In Candy

Candy News - While this has nothing to do with candy exactly, I have been overrun with news about Cotton Candy, that new computer thing that's really small.  I can't say that I know anything about it, but I can tell you that any feed you might have with the word "candy" in it will have some mention of it. I've also been getting a lot of messages about the health benefits of cocoa, more than usual.  I'm not sure if a specific study was just released on the subject, or if the media has just decided that it's a good subject to follow right now.

What's Happening At Candy Critic - As I mentioned earlier, today is my birthday.  So needless to say I've been eating a lot of sweet treats that make me happy, including the cupcakes shown above.  We also got a handful of sweet treats from a friend's visit to Paris, and we're expecting a few more treats in the mail soon from others.

Rant - My problem with free candy.  I just want to send a note out to candy companies that decide to send me free candy.  First and foremost I really appreciate that you send me your treats.  I love trying new treats, and I love to support the candy industry by writing about these treats.  I just have one question for you guys, how do you really feel if I don't like your treat?  Will you be mad at me?  Keep in mind that my opinion is not the final word on any treat, it's just my opinion.  I may not like your coconut covered licorice, but that's just because I'm not a huge fan of either coconut or licorice.  I've only received a few bad responses to negative review in my life as the Candy Critic, but each time it stung a little.


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