Monday, March 19, 2012

This Week In Candy

Candy News -  I've been reading a lot lately about finances in the candy industry.  Cocoa and sugar prices are constantly fluctuating, and this creates uncertainty in the candy business world.  Fortunately it seems that only a few candy businesses are suffering so much that they have to close down, but many are feeling the crunch.  I worry when economic problems hit the candy industry, because it often leads to quality problems.  When cocoa and sugar are expensive (or even threaten to be expensive), candy quality can go down.  One of the great selling points of candy is its price, that's why the candy industry does well during recessions.  Because of this, candy companies will work harder at keeping their prices low, even if it sacrifices quality to do it.

What's Happening At Candy Critic -  Knock wood, I should have some good news about something I don't want to talk about yet.  Other than that we've been keeping busy with working on some new articles that should be online in the next few weeks.  We're also trying to come up with a good theme for our next candy review-a-thon that we hope to have next week.

Rant -  I've often mentioned on this blog, my dislike for sugar free sweet treats.  I want to clear one thing up about that.  I'm not against sugar free sweets, I'm against the way they are marketed to the world.  Sugar free sweets are an excellent way for people with health problems, like diabetes, to enjoy a treat now and again.  They can also be a great way to curb your sweet tooth, but you have to be careful.  Many sugar free sweets may contain other ingredients that are also bad for you when eaten excessively.  If you're looking to lose weight, or just eat healthier, the best way to do this is eating moderately.  This also allows you to enjoy the, often better tasting, sugar filled sweets.  Just because a treat comes in one package, does not mean that it's a single serving.  Also, a single serving for you could be very different than a single serving for another.  Learn to enjoy a taste of a sweet treat, without trying to fill a hunger.


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