Monday, March 26, 2012

This Week In Candy

Candy News - It's interesting how seasons can really change the whole shape of the candy industry.  I'm not just talking about holidays either.  I'm talking about the differences in the types of things we snack on, depending on the season.  I find that the candy world really makes a shift from winter to spring with lots of new treats, and lots of new treat trends.  Easter is really the dividing line, but already candy companies are pouring out with all kinds of new treats to make our mouths water for this summer.

What's Happening At Candy Critic -  I think I can safely say that we at Candy Critic will have some very good news in the near future.  We're just in the middle of crossing some "t's" and dotting a few "i's".  Once everything settles and we're 100% sure, we'll let all of you know.  This upcoming week we're going to be posting all about our trip to Thessaloniki Greece, a place many call Greeks pastry capital.

Rant - Food poisoning... I just wanted to complain about food poisoning.  I wanted to complain about it because I've had several people around me get it.  I'm not really sure how they got it, but I can tell you that it's not much fun.  I'm surprised that the world is not better at preventing it either.  To be honest what I know about the science of food poisoning is almost nothing, but you'd think that it could be killed by science some how.  Really, we build bombs that can blow away the whole earth, lasers that can shoot through all of space, and large metal tubes that can fly through the air, but we can't get food safety up to scratch?


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