Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spooooooooooooonnnn!!! Sweets - Niranzi (Bitter Orange)

Every day this week I'm going to sample a different spoon sweet and let you know what I think.  For those unfamiliar with spoon sweets, they're pretty much fruit preserved in a syrup.  It's kind of like jam, only it's much juicier and the fruit is most often whole, or only sliced in half.
Niranzi (sp?), on its own is the worst tasting fruit I've ever eaten in my entire life.  Imagine the most bitter orange in the whole world, then double it, then triple it.  The first time I ever tried one of these, I touched my tong to it, and it went numb for about 20 minutes. This fruit is so bad your taste buds shut down upon contact. So does it make a good spoon sweet?  Well I can tell you that boiling this fruit in sugar does improve it.  The bitterness is much less, although it's not gone.  It basically tastes like a sweet/bitter orange.  Since I've never tried regular orange spoon sweets, I'm not sure how this would compare. Maybe oranges can't be preserved, and this is the only way to get that orange flavour in a spoon sweet.  It could also be that no one really knows what else to do with these horrid fruits, and this is the only way to make them palatable.


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