Friday, April 13, 2012

Spooooooooooooonnnn!!! Sweets - Walnuts?

Every day this week I'm going to sample a different spoon sweet and let you know what I think.  For those unfamiliar with spoon sweets, they're pretty much fruit preserved in a syrup.  It's kind of like jam, only it's much juicier and the fruit is most often whole, or only sliced in half.
I was just as surprised as you probably are when I discovered that they make walnuts in a spoon sweet.  I was even more surprised when I bit into it and fell in love with this flavour.  This particular spoon sweet is heavily flavoured with cinnamon as well, but it doesn't stop the nutty flavour at all.  Best of all, this wonderful nutty flavour is accompanied by a beautiful subtle crunch.  Before having tasted this, I thought the idea of having a nut spoon sweet was really strange, now I'm starting to think it's the best way to have them.
And just in case you're wondering, you do in fact eat the whole walnut, shell and all.  Here's a picture after I took my first bite.


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