Monday, April 02, 2012

This Week In Candy

Candy News - I think the biggest news this week has to be the fact that Easter is on its way.  I'm a big fan of Easter because it's the only holiday dedicated to giving away candy that doesn't involve me getting dressed up in a costume.  I'm not really that into costumes, so other than the candy, Halloween is a bit of a bummer for me.  Being in Greece right now, Easter is particularly interesting because of the Greek Orthodox traditions.  In fact Easter here is a bigger holiday than Christmas.  Although many of the traditions are religious based, they still get into the chocolate egg thing, and better still, there's some traditional Greek treats only available during this season.

What's Happening At Candy Critic -  I know I've mentioned this a million times now, but I'm working on something that's a little "top secret" right now.  I can tell you that it involves Greek sweets, and I can tell you that I'm expanding my horizons.  This project may also involve a live web feed starting soon that may not explain much, but it might allow you to watch me make a lot of mistakes live.  I will be opening the live feed to Facebook followers, Twitter followers, and friends of the site, for a preview very soon.

Rant -  This has nothing to do with candy, but more about the other end of this site, technology.  How come every time I get one form of technology working, another has to break down.  Last week I had problems with Photoshop, this week it appears that our sister site is down.  Just once I'd like to spend time writing, taking pictures, and sampling sweets without having to spend several hours fixing tech problems.  Most of the problems don't even seem to be mine.  The Photoshop glitch was a common problem that wasn't worked out, my site being down must have something to do with the service provider, that I pay.  Just for once I want my stuff to work just right.


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