Monday, April 09, 2012

This Week In Candy

Candy News - It appears that the worlds chocolate supply is not certain right now.  I know this is the last thing you want to hear at Easter, but there appears to be both environmental and political uncertainties that could lead to even higher priced chocolate in the future.  Savor that chocolate bunny, you may not get too many more of them in the future.

What's Happening At Candy Critic -  While continuing on our top secret project this week, we're also posting a special series of posts about spoon sweets.  Some people know them better as preserves, but spoon sweets sounds so cool.  We hope to post a photo and a little information about 5 different spoon sweets, one each day this week.  I know that we also owe you guys another review-a-thon, but it's just been very busy with other projects and we don't want to go halfway on a review-a-thon.

Rant -  I wish Tupperware would invent a chocolate saver.  They have products to keep just about anything else in the world fresh, except chocolate.


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