Monday, April 16, 2012

This Week In Candy

Candy News - Two things have come up a lot this week.  First of all there seems to be many lists and articles about which candy bar is the most famous.  Some lists talk about the most famous candy in the world, while most just talk about the most famous candy in their particular area.  I'd always heard that the best selling candy bar in the world is a Kit Kat bar, but I could be wrong now.  I've also been reading a lot of news about how candy companies are using social media.  Are you a part of your favorite snacks Facebook group, or do you follow any candies on Twitter?  I might write something about this later on, check out who's doing what, and where.

What's Happening At Candy Critic - I've decided that this week would be the perfect week for a review-a-thon.  I'm going with Asian treats because I have a lot of Asian reviews that the world needs to read.  Asia has, to the western eye, some of the strangest candy ever created.  It's not all tasty, and some require instructions, but they're always an adventure to eat.

Rant - The Easter season is totally over now, if you include Orthodox Easter as well.  I have mixed feelings when a candy heavy holiday is over.  I'm sad because I know that I have to wait a whole year before chocolate bunnies and eggs are available again, but I'm happy because I know that there might be some left over treats on sale right now.


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