Monday, May 28, 2012

Crescent Roll Challenge Part 1 - Cream Cheese and Dried Cranberries

Ever since I was a kid, I've loved Pillsbury crescent rolls.  They hold so many memories for me, in particular during holiday meals.  With my new found interest in baking, my love of candy, and my fondness for Pillsbury crescent rolls, I've decided to do a little experiment.  Each day this week I'm going to bake a Pillsbury crescent roll filled with a different sweet filling.  Some are very conventional, others... well not so much.
My first crescent roll filling experiment comes from my friend Carrie.  She's a cranberry fanatic, in fact she's such a cranberry fanatic that she felt it important that I don't go without while I'm in Greece.  She sent me a huge bag with more than enough dried cranberries to keep me going for a few years.  She also suggested, when I asked around, that I try filling one of these Pillsbury crescent rolls with goat cheese and cranberries.  Well truth be told, I don't really like goat cheese, I do however love cream cheese, so I figured it would be a fine substitute.
While this really doesn't qualify as a candy filling, it certainly doesn't qualify as a savory filling either.  It's a pretty good filling idea if you don't want to go super sweet, but also want a bit of a treat.  It's also a great way to use up dried cranberries when you happen to have a giant bag of them.  I will be making these again, particularly if we have guests over.


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