Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Old Candy Critic Articles - Reese plus what? (Part 2)

I've decided to take down several old articles from the and re-post them here on the Candy Critic blog.  This week is part two of an article I wrote about what to pair with your Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

While reading a forum that I frequent, an interesting candy question came up. The idea is simple but the answer is so complicated Stephen Hawking's would be boggled. The question is this:

“What goes with Reese peanut butter cups?”

Sure we all have opinions, but you have to look at this scientifically through scientific eyes. You have to try eating a whole bunch of cups with different things and see for sure. So this is my plan. The following is a list of ways that I ate my cups in order of worst to best (last week being the worst, this week being the best). I based everything off the feelings I had eating a cup all by itself, and then decided if the pairing is better or worse, and how much better or worse. Sure it sounds complicated but all I know is I have a lot of cups to eat and that can't be bad... right?

6 of 12 - With Ice Cream

This is truly the first time I've ever felt really pressured by time while doing this challenge. Not that it's particularly hot in my house right now, but the ice cream is starting to melt. For the sake of this experiment I chose to use chocolate ice cream, mainly because I have a milk shake maker and chocolate milk shakes are the best. As far as working with the cup it's OK. The chocolate ice cream dominates at first, but was quickly replaced in flavour by the cup as the ice cream melted. It's not a bad treat but, I'd prefer chocolate peanut butter ice cream any day.

5 of 12 - With Hot Oatmeal (and rasins too)

I can't say that I'm smart enough to have come up with this one on my own. I have to give credit to the great thing we call the Internet for that. So to those anonymous people out there on the World Wide Web, I salute you, because this was truly a spectacular treat. Who would have thought that the oats and raisins would not only taste great with chocolate and peanut butter, but the texture was divine too. Best of all was the way the hot oatmeal melted the chocolate perfectly.

4 of 12 - A banana

They say that Elvis loved deep fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches, and we all know that Elvis can't be wrong, even though he died a very large man. Basically this is like eating one of Elvis' favourite snacks but instead of bread we're adding chocolate, and adding chocolate can't be bad. It's a whole lot of squishy in my mouth, but it's not bad. The banana adds a nice texture to the slightly dry cup, and the flavours compliment each other fairly well. The only problem is the cup's flavour does overpower a little.

3 of 12 - Marron Cream

If you're asking yourself, what the heck is Marron Cream then I say to you; Sir or Madame, I didn't know either until recently. I'm sure you'll think it's a really snobby topping, but Marron Cream is commonly found in France as a toping for crepes. It's basically a chestnut spread. I figured if it's good enough for French crepes, it's good enough for Reece Peanut Butter Cups. I can't say that I thought it was that great at first, but after it mixes up in my mouth a bit it's pretty good. The Marron Cream is sweet and a little nutty, similar to the peanut butter cup, but a different nutty flavour. The two flavours together are actually pretty good. I recommend if you try this at home, not to overdo it on the Marron cream, but other than that I'm surprised, impressed, and a little classier.

2 of 12 - Peanut Butter

Allison suggested this one; she's a bit of a peanut butter fanatic. She also insisted I use the crunchy or it just wouldn't be worth doing. You know what, this isn't that bad. In fact it's pretty good. I'm sure I could have over done it with the peanut butter and completely ruined the cup, but a little extra normal peanut butter does this cups justice. The crunchy bit wasn't bad either, added a nice little extra bit of texture. Good call Allison.

1 of 12 (the best) - A dollop of whipped cream

This is the real stuff too, none of that cool whip for me. I took 35% cream and whipped it. I thought that the whipped cream might be lost to the chocolate peanut butter flavour, but I thought wrong. The whipped cream holds its own but doesn't overpower, it adds a nice cool texture and a great unexpected and tasty flavour twist. Yummy!


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