Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sweet Gifts

Whenever I meet new people, and I tell them I write about candy, they're always interested in asking me about the places I've taste tested.  There's always a list of local stores suggested to me, and I really appreciate all of the information these people provide.  In fact I probably wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for the advice of others helping me find new and fun treats.  The thing is, many people expect that I've already visited their favorite place, and often that's not the case.  I do my best to visit lots of sweet places, but I'm only one man, and in many cases these places are hard to find, and impossible to know about without prior knowledge.
In other words, many of the best places in the world to buy sweet treats (or any food for that matter) are often not well advertised. The only way to find them is to be told about them, or to stumble across them randomly.  While I do my best, I find there are many holes in my "must try" candy lists.  Fortunately for me, many people also feel the need to bring me their favorite sweet treats, so they can either impress me, or at the very least get my opinion.  I can't tell you how much I enjoy this.
I don't enjoy it totally because of the massive amounts of great treats I get to try, but instead because enthusiasm and stories I get to hear from the people presenting me with these sweets.  It's one of the extra dimensions of the candy world that really interest me, and one of the main reasons I do what I do.


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