Tuesday, July 03, 2012

IKEA Ice Cream Machine

 On a recent trip to IKEA here in Greece, I decided that it was the perfect time of year to enjoy one of their famous (and very in-expensive) ice cream cones.  Normally at the IKEAs I've visited in the past, you simply order your cone and they make if for you in the back.  However, here in Greece, they have a different system.  Here, they hand you a cone, and send you off towards an ice cream machine.  I have to admit, when I first found out about this system I was a little nervous.  I thought I would have to make the cone completely by myself, and I'm actually a really bad soft serve ice cream cone maker.
I quickly learned that these ice cream machines are totally automated and require little knowledge in the school of twisty cone shaping.  You simply place your cone in the machine, push a button, and the machine does the rest.  I asked Allison if this meant that I could "re-fill" my cone when I was done, but she didn't think it was a good idea. I'm just curious, do other IKEA's have this same system?



  1. In Spain, some bar have a machine like this. Is from the Frigo company (sure they have a nother name in other countries) and you need to ask for the cone and pay (2 euros or maybe more, I don't remember) and you serv it.
    PD: Yes you can fill the cone! I sometimes put some M&M's...

  2. M&M's with my IKEA ice cream, that sounds like a great idea.

  3. At the Edinburgh branch, they have this. I think they have it in the Belfast one as well but I'm not sure.

  4. I wonder if this is a European thing, or if they're all over the world now?
