Monday, July 02, 2012

This Week In Candy

Candy News - I've been reading a lot about fruit flavours over the last few days.  It seems that candy companies like to try and compete with nature this time of year.  Rather than push fruit flavours over the winter months, when many of us are cold, they push fruit flavours over the summer month, when we have all kinds of fruit available.  It could be that summer makes us crave fruit, since that's when it's normally available, and candy companies want to fill that craving.

What's Happening At Candy Critic -  We're keeping pretty busy here, mostly preparing some future projects for this blog.  We're also looking at attending a few food/candy festivals and events this year, and we're sure to keep you posted on that.  If you happen to run a sweet themed festival, and you want to invite us, we'd be more than happy to discuss this.

Rant -  I'm in a pretty good mood this week, not much to rant about.  The ice cream selection for the year is coming out, my candy stash is at a good level, I've got some travel plans in the future.  I think rather than rant today about something that's cheesing me off, I'll just go outside, sit in the shade, and have an ice cream cone.


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