Monday, July 16, 2012

What Do American's Eat? - Part 1 - American Pizza

All this week I'm going to be featuring "American" items that I found in a European grocery store (Lidl) during a sale they had featuring American products.
While the history of pizza is fairly controversial, one has to agree that the USA played a big part in it.  Most food historians agree that the current incarnation of pizza is most definitively the American style.  The USA can't take credit for being the first to take dough, put toppings on it, and put it in an oven, that ideas been around for thousands of years.

The question then comes, what is an American style pizza?  In this case I think the influence comes from Pizza Hut.  For those that travel a lot, you'll find that there are pretty much Pizza Huts all over the world.  Other than a few topping differences, the style of crust and sauce is pretty much the same at any Pizza Hut, no matter where you go.  This pizza has a very similar crust, so I imagine that the makers of this pizza figured that Pizza Hut is the way American's like their pizza.  The problem I've found about "styles of pizza" is that in the USA, it's very regional.  In Chicago you get a deep dish, New York seems to have a fluffy crust, and California likes their crust thin.  So what I'm saying is, you can pretty make any kind of pizza you want, say it's "American style", and somewhere in the USA you would be right.


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