Friday, July 20, 2012

What Do American's Eat? - Part 5 - Milk Shakes

All this week I'm going to be featuring "American" items that I found in a European grocery store (Lidl) during a sale they had featuring American products.
The term "Milkshake" is actually very ambiguous.  The only thing one can say is that all "milkshakes" should contain milk, or a milk substitute.  There should also be some kind of mixing happening as well, be it with a blender, by hand, or even just a good shake.  After that the milkshake is whatever you really want to make of it.

The USA is most certainly the milkshake capital of the world.  Just about ever single burger place in the whole country offers their version of a milkshake.  Some are thick, tasty, and filling, others are weak, taste like plastic, and about as runny as water.  You can find milkshakes in other parts of the world, but it's often associated with America and American themed restaurants.  It's more of a novelty in most places and not the norm, in fact, I don't think McDonald's in Europe even sell milkshakes.



  1. Anonymous2:42 PM

    They sell milkshakes in McDonalds in Denmark...

  2. So it's certainly not a European/North American difference.
