Monday, September 10, 2012

This Week In Candy

As you might have read in this weeks new review, I recently made a trip to IKEA to pick up some sweets.  Yes, to get some sweets in the only reason I went to IKEA, I didn't even go up to the furniture part.  I really wanted to check out the sweets because I had learned that IKEA no longer carries a variety of Swedish foods, only their own brand.  While I've sampled a few (such as this weeks review) and I'm not horribly disappointed with the quality, I am sad about the lack of variety.  Sweden is a great foodie paradise, and it's only expanding and improving.  For IKEA, a great place for the world to explore this great land, to limit the range of foods available like this is a blow to the Swedish culinary world.

On another note, our sister site, is having an art showing on Thursday September 20th 7:30 pm at the Finnish Institute at Athens.  I'll be there to show off my art, and I think I'll bring a bag of treats to share as well, but it's first come first serve.  If you want more info on the show, check out the Facebook event here.


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