Thursday, November 22, 2012

Chanukah House Kit Giveaway!!!

The folks at Manischewitz have given us a Chanukah House to give away.  So what's a Chanukah House, well it's the perfect little vanilla cookie house that you can build yourself.  You may be saying "but I don't celebrate Chanukah, can I also win this prize?"  You bet you can, why not build yourself a whole cookie house neighborhood for the holidays, and this way you can include your Jewish neighbors as well.

But if you win this contest there's more!  If you visit Manischewitz's Facebook page (click here to check it out) then you can enter your Chanukah House into their Decorating Contest, and that could net you 500 dollars cash.  So if you win our contest you've got a free ticket to enter another contest.  It's a pretty good deal.

So how do you win a Chanukah House Kit, well it's fairly simple.  Write us a short poem about Chanukah, if you can incorporate candy, or even the Chanukah House into the poem then you'll get bonus points.  Make sure you also give us a way to contact you if you win (an e-mail will do) because it would be horrible if you wrote an awesome poem and we couldn't send you your Chanukah House Kit.  The contest ends on December 3rd, that will give you plenty of time to get your kit, build it, and enter the Manischewitz contest.  This contest is also only available in the US, sorry Antarctica.

To enter just leave us a comment on this blog post, or drop us a line here.



  1. Shane Wens9:30 AM

    I want it! :P

  2. Hey Shane, write a great poem and it could be yours.
