Monday, May 06, 2013

This Week In Candy

As you read this I'm probably in Berlin eating some kind of very scary grey sausage filled with specs of blue, and covered with sauerkraut   To some this vision is terrifying,  to me it's mouth watering.  The first time I ever visited Germany I decided that I would at least once try a frightening sausage.  What I tasted was so fantastic, I continue to seek out the most vile looking wieners whenever I travel to this country.

Candy wise, since I'm writing this in advance, I can only assume I'm eating a lot of chocolate.  I'm also hoping that I've discovered a few other treats as well.  If I have internet, then I've probably posted a few snapshots of my adventure either on our many social media sites, or maybe even a few posts here on this blog.

Since I am away, I'm sure you can imagine that I'm not putting up a new review till later in the week, when I get back.  I may also have to forgo the Candy News this week, however if I come across an article or two while on my travels, and I have internet, I'll post them to our Twitter Page.


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