Wednesday, June 05, 2013

People With Candy

Everybody likes to show off their awesome candy and sweet treats, right?  Well I'm asking anybody that has a great picture of themselves, or a loved one, eating a tasty treat to send it to us.  Once in a while I may have prizes, but for the most part you just get to share these photos and spread some sweet candy love around.
 Here's Gino (a regular on the Junk Fud podcast) enjoying a treat that I don't think is appropriate to show on this site.  Send Gino a message and I'm sure he'll get you a copy of this photo without the black bar.
 What's so awesome about these cookies sent in by Michelle?  Well the fact that they where made with an Easy Bake oven is pretty cool.  I've never actually used an Easy Bake oven in my life, but if they can put out results like these, that's pretty awesome.
Lia sent in this photo of her very tasty dessert from TGI Friday's, I could really go for a cool treat right now myself. To TGI Friday's!!!!

If you'd like to share a photo of your favorite treat, while you're eating it, making it, or about to eat it, send it to chris(at)  Make sure that all of the photos are your own, and make sure to let us know how you came about this treat (if you bought it or made it) and how tasty it may have been.


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