Monday, September 23, 2013

This Week In Candy

This past week was in great part a week of getting over the flu.  I can safely say that I'm pretty much over it, having said that I'm sure it'll come back with a vengeance.  Because of my good health, I'm going to get back on track and start writing up a storm.  I've got a few blog ideas that I want to write up, and I've started to work on a new book pitch.  I may be asking a few random questions on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr over the next month or so.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

This past weekend I went on an adventure (since I was feeling better).  Allison, our friend Kevin, and myself discovered the Fistiki Fest on Aegina island in Greece.  Fistiki means pistachio in English, so it was a festival dedicated to my favorite nut.  I hope to have a more detailed article about the festival posted later this week.

Finally, I've been getting a lot of treats sent to me for review.  I didn't want to review them when I was sick, so now I have a pretty extreme pile to deal with.  Over the next few weeks we have some really exciting and creative reviews to do.  I'll be posting previews of these reviews on our social media network as well.

Time to write, and lose all of my distractions... oohhhh, a puppy!


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