Wednesday, December 11, 2013

5 Of The Strangest Holiday Treats I've Reviewed

Most people might argue that there's nothing really that strange about chocolate snowmen, but I think there is.  I'm sure many of your have been eating these since you were a kid, so you're used to the idea of eating brown snowmen, but think about it.  If you saw a large brown pile of snow, made into a snow man, you'd probably walk away.

Click here to read the review.
I really find any eggnog treat to be rather strange, in fact if you think about it, eggnog is rather strange.  What does milk mixed with eggs have to do with Christmas, and why do we then want to take this strange combination, and make it in candy form?

Click here to read the review.
I mention in this review that this treat is a little strange.  The name, when said in English comes out as something you probably wouldn't want to eat.  The candy itself looks like a bag of little naked Santa Clauses, so that doesn't help either.

Click here to read the review.
Marzipan pigs are more of a New Years thing, but you can find them for sale all over Europe at Christmas markets.  I've never found out why many European countries associate the pig with New Years, and why they're obsessed with it being made of Almond paste.

Click here to read the review.
Of all the Christmas candies I've ever sampled in my entire life, this one is the strangest.  I think I'd be hard pressed to find a Christmas candy any stranger ever again.  Why would anybody think that making a candy that simulates Santa Clause's beard I really can't figure out at all.

Click here to read the review.


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