Monday, December 16, 2013

This Week In Candy

I'm not sure if it's just the circles I'm in, but it appears that gingerbread houses are really the big thing this holiday season, even my nephew (pictured above) is getting into the spirit.  It's not that gingerbread wasn't a big thing before, but this year it seems like everybody in the world is doing something creative with gingerbread.  I've been posting links to cool gingerbread projects on our Twitter feed as well as our weekly news link roundup.  Also, this years Christmas candy review, yup, gingerbread themed.

As for the Christmas season in our house, it looks like it's going to be a nice quite one. It seems over the last few years I've been away during the Christmas season, but not this year.  That should leave me lots of time to write up a few blog ideas, work on my book projects, and just generally enjoy all the festivities around the house.

Finally, I've been inspired to start a new YouTube series of videos.  I'm hoping that over the Christmas holidays I'll have the chance to work on them and figure out exactly how I want them to work out.  If everything goes as planned, I want to have the first few videos posted in January.  I'm also looking to record a few podcasts over the holidays and I'm hoping that in the new year they'll happen more regularly.


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