Monday, January 20, 2014

This Week In Candy

Last week I wrote a review, this review is not going to be posted on for about 9 months, I wrote my Halloween review.  It just happened to be one of those situations where I was given a treat that fits the Halloween theme, so I wanted to take advantage.  Strangely enough, a few days after writing this review, I went out shopping and came across a great Christmas candy that was on sale.  I bought it, and that means I'll be writing my Christmas review later this week as well.

This morning I mentioned that Candy Critic now has 861 candy reviews online.  It's not a particularly celebratory number, but we're pretty proud that the number went so high.

Later this week I'll be posting a piece I wrote on something I call the "Tic Tac syndrome".  I think this is something that many people can relate to, so make sure to check back later.  I'm also working on a few secret projects that I hope to be able to announce in the future.


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