Monday, March 03, 2014

This Week In Candy

Our sister site is going to post a whole bunch of new gummy bear photographs this week.  The theme is bright colours and gummy bears.  They'll be available as posters and greeting cards, and would surely brighten up any room, or any person.

This month we're also releasing some new t-shirts on our store.  We'll feature a new one every Tuesday on this blog.  The theme is Simple Snack Foods, and if these prove to be popular we'll design more of them in the future. Keep an eye out every Tuesday for a new design being featured, or just check out our store right now.

Finally, it seems like I'm over my cold from last week and back on track.  This week I'm working on a few projects that I hope to have posted soon.  I'm also writing a lot of reviews this week, to try and cut down on my candy stash and keep the treats from going bad.  I think this will probably lead to a review-a-thon in the near future.


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