Monday, October 20, 2014

This Week In Candy

This week has started off on the wrong foot.  As of Saturday evening I've been fighting a cold that snuck up on me and leveled me out.  I had grand plans to start this week off with all kinds of fun projects, but alas I've been stuck in bed most of the time.  I've decided that I should take a few minutes to let you know what we have planned this week, but please keep in mind that some of it might be posted a little later (such as today's "This Week In Candy" post) in the day.

On our Snack Facts feed (available on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook) this Wednesday, we're going to start off our count down to Halloween list of facts.  Also, many of you may not know that we also have an Pinterest gallery, on this gallery you can see all of the latest treats we've reviewed.  Finally, last week we started posting all of our newest link discoveries on Facebook, as well as Twitter. So far we haven't had any complaints, so we're going to continue, please let us know if any of our social media changes drive you nuts.

Today's new review is brought to you by the creators of Codhoppers, one of my favorite Canadian made snacks ever.  Did they improve on their already awesome candy, you'll have to click here to find out.


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