Friday, November 07, 2014

Candy In The Media

All photos copyright the Museum of Brands, Packaging, and Advertising.
Around the world there are many museums and museum exhibits dedicated to candy.  Most of these museums focus on chocolate, but there are a few that diversify.  Many candy museums are also found at the end of factory tours at various candy factories, and those obviously focus on one particular brand.  It's rare to come across a museum, or even a museum exhibit, that shows off a diversity of brands and types of candy.  One of the best candy themed museum exhibit that I've ever come across can be found at the Museum of Brands, Packaging, and Advertising in London England.
All photos copyright the Museum of Brands, Packaging, and Advertising.
I've never seen such a huge collection of candy packages in my entire life. They have packages dating back to Victorian England, all the way to modern packages of today.  The museum is set out in chronological order and contains packages and branding for all kinds of products, but their candy collection is superb.  There are a few sections dedicated to candy, however there are a few candies also spread around in other sections as well.  Surprisingly some of the packages aren't empty, and while I wouldn't want to eat these ancient candies, it's pretty amazing to see.
All photos copyright the Museum of Brands, Packaging, and Advertising.
The only downfall is that that you don't really find a huge range of candy packages from outside of UK (and to some extent Europe).  It's not really that big a deal because the UK has been one of the biggest candy innovator's since the Victorian era, and this is a prime example of just how much they've given us.  I could not recommend a museum more than the Museum of Brands, Packaging, and Advertising.  It's a great place for any candy history buff, and even has plenty to see for those without a sweet tooth.

Click here to get more info on this awesome museum.


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