Monday, May 04, 2015

This Week In Candy

Now that things are unpacked, and our world is organized, it's time to get back to our regular work.  Over the next three weeks we're going to look at the snacking and junk food fun we had in the three (and a half) countries we visited on our latest trip to Europe.  We'll call them "travel tips for the candy fan", and we're checking out some great places worth visiting in this great continent.  We'll start this week with a look at France (including a stop at Disney Paris), a place that's known for being a mecca for all foodies, candy and junk food fans are not forgotten.  Next week we'll look at British/Welsh treats, and finally in two weeks we'll look at Dutch treats.

This week on Snack Facts, our Instagram feed, we're going to look at one of the most famous desserts to come out of Turkey, Turkish Delight.  When I was a kid Turkish Delight was something that you really had to travel to taste, but today it's available all over the world.  It's a treat that has many flavours, textures, and a great history.  So tune into our Instagram feed and learn a little something about this soft chewy treat.  If you don't use Instagram, you can also check out our Snack Facts on our Twitter feed and our Facebook page as well.

If you want to keep up with all the candy news and trends, make sure to follow our Facebook or Twitter feeds.  We post the latest news as it happens about junk food, candy, sweets, baking, or anything else that catches our interest.  You'll also get to see some behind the scenes stuff that goes on at Candy Critic.

All of this traveling and sampling of foreign treats has made me a little homesick.  So this week's new review is a treat from my "home and native land", Canada.  Unfortunately this treat didn't really do very well in the review, but I'm still happy to have a bite of home now and then.  Click here to read this Canadian review.


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