Monday, June 08, 2015

This Week In Candy

This week at Candy Critic we've got two main goals, writing and taking pictures.  We just finished a fun shoot on the subject of OREO cookies, I'll explain more about why we did that later.  We also have a shoot planned on the subject of dates (the fruit not the social interaction) and sprinkles.  We were hoping to get an article up this week to go with the sprinkle photos, unfortunately it looks like that's going to take a little more time, but it should be up next week instead.  Writing wise it's all about keeping up with this blog, and our social media sites, writing a few travel pieces, and most certainly working on the book.

Last week we also started a new project on our social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr) on the topic of licorice.  As you know I was greatly inspired on my recent trip to Holland, and I decided to try and get myself to like licorice (I normally hate the stuff).  I figured the best way to do this was through repetition.  So until July 4th, I'll be eating one piece of Dutch licorice every day.  I've got a bag with various different salt levels and strengths, and I'll just randomly pick one out and eat it every night.  Every time I do this, I'll post a picture and let you know how I feel, maybe I'll even use emoticons (this is a jump for me).

The OREO cookie shoot today was all for this week's posts on our Intagram feed called Snack Facts.  This week we'll look at the classic cookie with the cream in the middle.  If you're interested in having fun Snack Facts sent to you every day, make sure to follow us on Instagram.  If you don't use Instagram, you can also follow Snack facts on our Twitter feed and Facebook page as well.

This week's new review on is a Japanese candy that lived up to every expectation.  If you like your lemon candies to live up to their sour reputation, you might want to check out this review.  Click here to read the latest super sour Japanese review.


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