Monday, August 10, 2015

This Week In Candy

We're back from Sri Lanka, and we've got lots of great things to share with you guys.  Later this week I'll be posting a blog with highlights of this trip, I'll talk about what kind of snacking country Sri Lanka is and what you shouldn't miss if you go yourself.  Next week we're going to have a review-a-thon featuring some of the treats we picked up on this adventure, some are salty, and some are sweet.  While I had a great time on this trip, it's good to be home.

Are you on Periscope?  We're working on a new regular show for Periscope that we hope to have ready to go soon.  We're in the early planning fazes of the show right now, but we'll most likely post some preview material on this blog as well as on Twitter and Facebook.  We'll also Periscope a few of the preperations as well. We're also going to Periscope during the recording sessions for some of the new episodes of the Junk Fud podcast.

This week on Snack Facts, our Instagram feed, we're looking at lollipops. Learn all you can about candy on a stick.  All you have to do is follow us here, on Instagram to have a lollipop fact sent to you every day this week, and more Snack facts in the future.  If you don't use Instagram, don't worry, you can follow Snack Facts on our Facebook page and Twitter feed as well.

This week's new review is a classic British treat that tickles your tongue in just the right way.  This is also one of the few British treats that I never really had much contact with as a child.  Living in Canada we got a pretty good mix of American and British treats, but for some reason Sherbet Pips never really made it into my life.  I'm not sure if it was me, or if Sherbet Pips were just not that popular in my neck of the woods.  Click here to learn all about this great British sweet.


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