Wednesday, September 30, 2015

A Smelly Candy Thing

When I first discovered this t-shirt, I thought it looked pretty neat.  Then I discovered that it's scratch and sniff, and I was blown away.  I love the idea of people scratching my chest and getting to smell their favorite candy treat.  I imagine that some people might not "be cool" with me scratching their chests all the time, but really that's the risk you take with such a cool shirt.


Monday, September 28, 2015

This Week In Candy

I'm getting ready to go on an epic journey, and I'm worried. I always worry before I go on a trip.  Will I pack the right things, will our plans go well, but most importantly will I find some interesting foods?  Every time I step foot into a new place I go into a panic mode.  Even in the airport I check out every store and restaurant to try and get an idea about what the foods of this country or place might be.  The first thing I want to do when I visit a place is head to a grocery store to check out what the locals buy.  I spend at least 20 minutes in the candy aisle of these stores just scoping things out.  I get nervous that I'll miss the important foods, the foods that I can't miss. In the end, I've never missed out on anything.  I eventually learn that the foods you find on your journey are the foods you need to try. They'll be obvious, or they're not really the foods of that country.

This week on Snack Facts we're looking at the gumball.  It's round, colourful, and is probably one of the most iconic candies ever.  Make sure to check our Instagram feed to keep up with all the Snack Facts fun.  If you don't use Instagram, don't worry, Snack Facts can also be found on our Twitter feed and Facebook page as well.

This week's new review is a classic candy that's been around my entire life.  Orange Tic Tacs played a pretty vital role in my childhood, and that's pretty obvious in this week's review.  Click here to read more.


Friday, September 25, 2015

Candy In The Media

Skynet now owns your birthday cake.


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A (Controversial?) Candy Thing

Is this shirt offensive?  All this month we're looking at some interesting candy themed t-shirts, and this one is sure to raid a few eyebrows. I'm not sure what came first, the Sugar Daddy candy, or the expression "sugar daddy".  I do know that Allison would not be happy seeing me wear this t-shirt, mostly because it's very inaccurate (being the Candy Critic is fun, but I'm no millionaire).  I imagine it might be a hard life to be a big fan of Sugar Daddy (the candy), because if you profess your love of this candy on any kind of clothing, you may look like a jerk.


Monday, September 21, 2015

This Week In Candy

Every once in a while someone will hand me desserts and ask my opinion.  Often I will be told that if I'm not willing to give my opinion, then I will not be given the dessert.  It's a pretty interesting problem to have.  It's great because I'm always offered desserts, even when it's not really appropriate (having said that dessert is always appropriate in my opinion).  It's not always great because then I have to scrutinize whatever it is that I'm eating, and if it's not great, I'm not really sure what to do.  It can be awkward standing in someones kitchen eating cookies out of their refrigerator when there's a dinner party going on in the next room, only to have to tell them that I didn't really like their cookies.

This week I was given the poached pears you see above.  It was actually given to Allison to be given to me, as long as I promised to write about it.  Fortunately it was a fine batch of poached pears.  This can be a tricky dessert since if you poach the pears for too short a period the red wine is too acidic and alcoholic, and if you poach them for too long the wine turns to a sickly sweet syrup.  What you want, and what I got, is a nice fruity flavour, with no acid kick back.  The creamy cheese like topping was fine, and cut into the fruity flavour just perfectly, and I really enjoyed the pistachios as well.  I personally could have used more cheese like topping, but that's a personal choice.

This week I'm feeling a little strawberry like.  I can't explain it, but once in a while I just crave these tasty little berries.  So all this week on Snack Facts (our Instagram feed), we're looking at Strawberries.  Tune in each and every day this week for a new fact about this sweet berry.  If you don't use Instagram, don't worry, you can follow Snack Facts on our Facebook page and Twitter feed as well.

To keep with my strawberry mood, this week's review is one of the strangest strawberry flavoured snacks I've had in a while.  Unfortunately it didn't solve my strawberry cravings, so I might just have to go out and try and find a pint of strawberries to munch on later this afternoon.  Click here to see why this treat didn't fulfill my strawberry cravings.


Friday, September 18, 2015

Candy In the Media

Have you ever wondered how many Doritos it would take to kill you?  Well wonder no longer.


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A Colorful Candy Thing

All this month we're featuring some cool candy t-shirts.  This week we've picked out the most obvious choice for t-shirts, anything M&Ms.  This is one brand that's not afraid to get out into the clothing market.  It's no surprise though, because it works.  With mascots so colourful, it only makes sense to take this brand outside of the candy world.  Best of all they have some pretty cool characters attached to each colour.  I'd like to get a set of these t-shirts and wear whatever colour suits my mood, however I think I'd wear out the yellow t-shirt very quickly.


Monday, September 14, 2015

This Week In Candy

We have two interesting pieces of news here at Candy Critic.  First of all, we've decided to look a little closer at candy and health.  We believe that although candy is fun, it's also important to eat healthy and take care of yourself.  So we got FitBits all around, and we're going to spend some time looking at our diet, our exercise, and our lifestyle, to find a way to make sure that candy and health can co-exist.  In the next few months we'll have a few blog posts on the subject, as well as fairly regular check ins on how we're doing, health wise.

Secondly, it looks like yet another adventure is upon us, this time to Africa.  In the next few weeks we're heading to Africa to check out all the cool stuff from this awesome continent.  As always we expect to find all kinds of cool food treats along the way, and we'll be sharing our finds on Facebook and Twitter.  We also hope to collect a few African candies and treats to review, since this is the continent with the fewest reviews so far.  We're not leaving yet, but it's happening soon.

This week on Snack Facts, our Instagram feed, we're looking at British candy.  All this week we're going to look at our favourite candy making nation.  Follow us on Instagram to get a British candy fact sent to you every day this week. If you don't use Instagram, don't worry, you can follow Snack Facts on our Facebook page and Twitter feed as well.

This week's new review is a cake treat made by the same people who like to stick small toys into chocolate eggs.  Without giving away too much about this review, I can tell you that this company should probably stick to what they're good at.  Click here to read the review.


Friday, September 11, 2015

Candy In The Media

Check out this awesome gummy printer!  While the things it makes are still pretty crude looking, it's the first in what I hope to be a new trend of custom candy.  Soon you'll be able to go to your local candy store and get any candy you like, in any shape you like.


Wednesday, September 09, 2015

A Candy Thing, You Probably Shouldn't Lick

All this month we're featuring candy themed t-shirts, why?  Well I'm starting to run out of t-shirts and I think I need to buy a few new ones.  I presently don't own a single candy themed t-shirt, and as the Candy Critic, that's probably just wrong.  This Tootsie Pop Owl shirt not only stays within my candy theme, but it also makes me look smart too.


Monday, September 07, 2015

This Week In Candy

I'm feeling pretty ill today. Last week we had to live in "temporary" accommodations as our house was being work on.  Then we get home for about 2 days, and I get food poisoning.  It's one of those instances where there is no doubt in my mind that it's food poisoning.  The good news about having food poisoning is that it makes you think about what you eat.  I've been thinking about my diet, the world's diet, just food in general over the last few days.  For the most part it's been random thinking with little real substance, however I did come up with one question that I can't figure out.  Why don't we eat more acorns?

This week at we're continuing all kinds of projects.  My plans to put together podcasts has been more planning than executing, and I've found it difficult to organize.  So I've decided to try to record a few solo shows this week to see how it goes.  I've got two ideas I want to work on, so if all goes well I should have a show or two to post in the next week.  We're also still working out the bugs of our Periscope show called "VS".  Link up with us on Periscope by looking for "candycritic" to help us compare some classic treats.

This week on Snack Facts, our Instagram feed, we're looking at cereal. Some of you may argue that cereal is not really a snack, but I'm not feeling well and it seems to be the only thing I can eat right now.  So check out our feed and learn something new about the crunchy breakfast treat every day.  If you're not on Instagram, don't worry, you can also follow Snack Facts on our Twitter feed and Facebook page as well.

This week's review is proof positive that good candy companies can't always work well together.  Click here to read the review that disapointed me.


Friday, September 04, 2015

Candy In The Media

Man I could go for some ice cream right now... It's been a stressful week.


Tuesday, September 01, 2015

This Week In Candy

Well that didn't work the way I'd hope it would...  This week is running a little slow.  Almost as if we were on vacation, but we're not.  This week we will not have regular postings of Snack Facts, our Instagram feed (however we will likely have a few random facts go up similarly to when we're on vacation), and we will not have a new review.  We also won't have a new Candy Thing posted on the blog tomorrow either.  You may also have noticed that This Week In Candy is a day late.  This is all because we had to abandon our regular digs for a few days. As it turns out we had a horrible moisture and mold problem, so we had to leave while construction workers work on our house.  They tell us that we'll be back by next week, but bets are being taken that we wont be back for two weeks.  So we apologies for the lack of content this week, but we'll surely make it up to...

And this is how.  This week we're officially starting  off our new Periscope show.  Follow us using our handle  "candycritic", and throughout the week we're going to be launching our new Periscope show called "VS".  Each episode we'll pit one snack VS another.  It could be chips VS cheesies, Flake bar VS Kit Kat, or even Red Kool Aid VS Purple Kool Aid.  When you see us online, watch the cast and vote for your favorite and vote as often as you like.  I'm sure nothing could possibly go wrong with this idea, considering we've never actually used Periscope before.

So once again, sorry about the lack of content this week.  We had no idea that we would be cut off, and we couldn't really prepare for this as we wanted to.  Hopefully next week things will be back to normal, although if it is, I'll be down 20 bucks.