Monday, September 21, 2015

This Week In Candy

Every once in a while someone will hand me desserts and ask my opinion.  Often I will be told that if I'm not willing to give my opinion, then I will not be given the dessert.  It's a pretty interesting problem to have.  It's great because I'm always offered desserts, even when it's not really appropriate (having said that dessert is always appropriate in my opinion).  It's not always great because then I have to scrutinize whatever it is that I'm eating, and if it's not great, I'm not really sure what to do.  It can be awkward standing in someones kitchen eating cookies out of their refrigerator when there's a dinner party going on in the next room, only to have to tell them that I didn't really like their cookies.

This week I was given the poached pears you see above.  It was actually given to Allison to be given to me, as long as I promised to write about it.  Fortunately it was a fine batch of poached pears.  This can be a tricky dessert since if you poach the pears for too short a period the red wine is too acidic and alcoholic, and if you poach them for too long the wine turns to a sickly sweet syrup.  What you want, and what I got, is a nice fruity flavour, with no acid kick back.  The creamy cheese like topping was fine, and cut into the fruity flavour just perfectly, and I really enjoyed the pistachios as well.  I personally could have used more cheese like topping, but that's a personal choice.

This week I'm feeling a little strawberry like.  I can't explain it, but once in a while I just crave these tasty little berries.  So all this week on Snack Facts (our Instagram feed), we're looking at Strawberries.  Tune in each and every day this week for a new fact about this sweet berry.  If you don't use Instagram, don't worry, you can follow Snack Facts on our Facebook page and Twitter feed as well.

To keep with my strawberry mood, this week's review is one of the strangest strawberry flavoured snacks I've had in a while.  Unfortunately it didn't solve my strawberry cravings, so I might just have to go out and try and find a pint of strawberries to munch on later this afternoon.  Click here to see why this treat didn't fulfill my strawberry cravings.


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