Monday, December 14, 2015

This Week In Candy

This week Allison and I taped our first episode of the Junk Fud podcast segment known as "Junk Fud on the Road".  Each month we're going to talk about a place we've visited (or maybe are visiting right then) and we're going to look at some of the food we tried.  Our first episode, coming out in January, will be all about Canadian snacks and junk food.  We thought we would start with a look at the food from our own country, although I have a feeling there will be followup episodes about Canada in the future.  We'll be posting our episodes on this blog, as well as our various social media sites.

This week on Snack Facts, our Instagram feed, we're going to be looking at candy canes.  Probably the candy most associated with the holiday season, it's a pretty fascinating subject.  Check our Instagram feed every day this week for a new fact about this striped candy.  If you don't use Instagram, don't worry, you can also follow Snack Facts on our Twitter feed and Facebook page as well.  Next week will also be the last Snack Facts installments until the New Year, we're taking a bit of a break over the holidays.

This week's new review comes to us from our good friend Candice.  She picked up these little golden packages of fun on a recent trip to Kuala Lumpur.  After eating them I'm not sure if she's really our friend, or just trying to torture us.  Click here to find out why this treat is so insane.


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