Monday, December 21, 2015

This Week In Candy

Merry Christmas all you candy loving people out there.  I sure hope that Santa drops all kinds of sweet treats into your stockings and under your tree.  I hope at least one of you gets a Toblerone bar so big that it takes two people just to unwrap it.

Later this week we're going to be posting an blog post all about Christmas gummies.  What's that you say, you don't really know any "Christmas gummies"?  That's exactly the problem, a problem that we hope to fix with a couple of cool Christmas gummy ideas.  None of these ideas exist yet, but hopefully they'll be something you see on the shelves next year.

Here at the Candy Critic offices, we're watching a lot of the television show "Flash", that has nothing to do with the work we should be doing, I just thought the series deserves a plug.  What we are working on is the new and improved Junk Fud podcast, set to debut in January.  The first episode is ready to go, and the second will be ready by the end of the week.  We hope to have at least three episodes going up each month.

The only thing we're not doing over the holidays this year is Snack Facts.  We have to give up some time to bake all of the delights we're taking to the parties we've been invited to, and this just cuts out the time we use to update Snack Facts every day.  But don't worry, Snack Facts will be returning to our Instagram feed, Twitter feed and Facebook page in the new year with all kinds of fun facts about the snacks we love.

Today's new review is a Christmas classic, although I'm not convinced it was designed that way.  After all the first version of this treat was a chocolate apple, not a chocolate orange, and that's not very festive at all.  I've been in front of the building where these were invented, and the famous "Terry's" logo is still etched into the facade, event though it's now a jewelry store.  Make sure to check out the latest review perfect for the holiday season, the Terry's Chocolate Orange.


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