Monday, August 15, 2016

This Week In Candy

It's going to be a short one today as this week is absolute madness here at Candy Critic.  Most notably, we're going home this week, for a few years at least.  We're packing up and moving back to Canada for a few years, and this week is the week where we make the move.  We'll have a round up of everything once we're back in Canada and settled in a bit.  I've also got a few ideas for posts for our journey back home (which will likely take about 30 or 40 hours).  Make sure to check out our Twitter and Facebook feeds for regular updates (or at the very least whenever we have internet).

Since we knew this week would be insane, we set up a bunch of articles to be posted on the blog while we're in transit.  So you'll still get your weekly dose of a Candy Thing, and Candy In The Media.  We're also going to be posting a new recipe, and it's a really good one, and that's going up tomorrow.

This week's new review is almost a sequel to last week's review.  I picked up last's week's review (which was a crazy new flavour of Lay's chips), and a friend of mine suggest I try another interesting flavour.  He claimed that although the concept was a little weak, the way they did them was pretty good. Click here to check out this old idea done in a new way.


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