Monday, September 05, 2016

This Week In Candy

We're finally settled... Sort of.

So far our move back home has gone pretty well, nothing's broken... yet, and we're starting to settle into the Canada vibe.  It's still strange being back home, but it's a pleasant strange if that makes sense.  What's excited me most is that I can now buy North American treats.  It may not seem like much, but while you're overseas all of your North American friends are posting about the newest flavour of OREO (Nutella I hear) that's come out, and you can't get any.  Now I can head over to the local store and pick up a bag (or at worst drive a few hours to the US and pick up a bag). I'll miss all of the cool foreign treats I've been eating, but I'm happy to have some local treats for a while.

Speaking of driving to the USA, we're planning a road trip down south soon, and we need suggestions for not to miss US treats and snacks.  We'll be on the East Coast for the trip, and plan on going all the way down to Florida.  So any suggestions you might have are greatly appreciated.  We'll likely post a few fun photos along the way on Twitter and Facebook as well.

This week we're continuing our articles about candy varieties, this week we're looking at Pocky, our favorite Japanese Snack.  We'll also have all of our regular posts including our weekly Candy Thing, and our weekly Candy In The Media post.  Snack facts, our Instagram feed will continue be a little random where we'll focus on fun facts that we learn on the go. We'll be back to our regular Snack Facts feed in October.

This week's new candy review is a Kit Kat rip off.  The rare thing about this particular bar is that it was actually pretty good.  Most rip offs don't work at all, and tend to be money grabs instead. Click here to find out where this bar succeeded.


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