Monday, December 12, 2016

This Week In Candy

Winter has officially hit us here in Canada.  Actually winter has been hitting us pretty hard (for someone who hasn't seen snow in 6 years) for the last six weeks, but today we got a serious cover of the white stuff.  I both hate and love the snow, it's soft and fun to play in, but cold and hard to get off my walkway.  I both want the snow to stay, to make it a white Christmas. But I also want it to go away, so I don't have to deal with my pants getting wet anymore.

This week we're putting together a lot of content for Candy Critic.  We're finally going to post Junk Fud News for the month of November.  We're also going to be editing, and maybe posting, a special episode of Junk Fud And You featuring an actual academic that knows a lot about candy.  Finally, we're going to be recording a special Christmas episode of Chris, Why Would You Eat That?!! where I eat fruitcake.  It took me a while to figure out what to eat for a Christmas episode of CWWYET, but fruitcake seemed to be the best idea.  I haven't eaten fruitcake in probably 10 years or more, and fruitcake has the distinction of being one of the most hated of all Christmas desserts.  So we'll see how this goes later this week.

I'm also officially announcing the return of our Instagram feed, but with a twist.  We're going to continue Snack Facts on our Instagram feed, but we're only going to post randomly (before we posted every day).  In addition, on our feed we're also going to be starting the doughnut project.  My goal is simple, to taste every doughnut Tim Horton's has to offer.  This isn't an all at once project, it's going to happen over time.  Every time I taste a new doughnut, I'll post it on Instagram.  Then, every so often, I'll add the donuts to our Candy Critic Google Map, so you can see where I ate that particular doughnut. Our return to Snack Facts is going up today, and the doughnut project will be going online in the next few weeks.

This week's new review was a gift from a very nice Icelandic man.  I was talking to him and I mentioned that I wasn't familiar with any Icelandic candy.  As fortune would have it, he had a giant bag of Icelandic candy with him.  Click here to read my first Icelandic candy review.


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