Monday, June 26, 2017

This Week In Candy (Canada Day Edition)

Holy crap it's Canada Day week already! Next Saturday is an important day in the lives of Canadians, it's not only the day of the founding of our awesome country, it's also the 150th anniversary of this founding. Unlike some countries (I don't want to name any names) our country was not founded in war, instead our country was founded by the fact that the British didn't want to pay our bills anymore. This may not seem like something to be proud of, but we Canadians are a little quirky, and appreciate anything that's strange and non-violent.

To celebrate this great event we're going to be featuring two great things this week. First of all we're going to feature a few posts in our Doughnut Project, because what's more Canadian than a doughnut, particularly one from Tim Horton's.  We might also post a few Canadian Snack Facts, and you'll find all of these on our Instagram feed.  If you've been following us on Facebook and Twitter, you might have noticed us posting a few special Canada 150 treats as well. It seems that many of the snack companies have gotten into the Canada 150 spirit, some are more appropriate than others.  I'm sure we'll come across a few more in the coming week leading up the big event, so make sure to check back regularly.

We're also going to be in Ottawa (since that's where we live right now) to see the big celebration on Saturday.  We'll very likely be posting photos of any fun snack/treat related things we find in the celebration.

Speaking of Canada 150 treats, this week's new review is both odd, and very Canadian. I guess that makes it doubly Canadian, or some might call it a double-double (Canadian joke). It's what happens when a gummy company decides to go extreme on Canadian stereotypes. Fortunately it works really well, and tastes OK too.  Click here to read about the perfect treat for celebrating Canada 150.


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