Monday, January 29, 2018

It's Part 1 Or Our African Candy Review-A-Thon!!! And It's A Little Salty - Krackles "Tingly Cheese & Onion"

All this week we're going to be posting candy reviews from candy we picked up on our recent trip to Kenya and Tanzania. Normally when I travel I go nuts picking up snacks from my adventures, but I have to be honest, this time I didn't find that much. It's not because Kenya and Tanzania didn't have much to offer, it's most because I was out in the middle of the savanna without any contact with the real world for most of our trip. Whenever I could though, I stopped in some of the local shops and picked up a few fun munchies and fortunately I found some pretty interesting snacks.

Click here to read our first entry in our Kenya/Tanzania candy review-a-thon.

Also, make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to get a sneak peek at the reviews before we post them here.

If you're feeling generous, you can also follow us on Google+.


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