Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Candy Critic Statistics

So this past weekend we finally finished putting together the database for all of the candies reviewed on candycritic.org so far. It was way more reviews than we were expecting with well over twelve hundred. One thing that made me feel good about the reviews was the scoring. If you look at the graph above showing the number of candies that have any particular score, you'll see a fairly good curve. Each bar represents a score starting at 0 and going to 14.5 (there's a reason that there's no 15) in increments of  .5. The curve does lean slightly towards the better end, but that's because it's candy.  This  information will be used on the new site when we start listing the candies according to score.

This next graph shows all of the different candy brands that have more than 10 reviews on the site. The first bar is actually our question mark category, because we don't know the brands of some of the candies we've reviewed. We're hoping to lower that number down a lot and might be asking some of our readers to help with that.  This graph is very useful right now because we're presently building a section that will feature our most represented brands on the website. I took a guess at what these would be on my initial design, but I got a couple wrong.
This graph  features one of the new additions to the site that I'm most excited about. We're going to start listing some of the candies that have many different varieties. This includes Kit Kat, Lay's, and Pocky, to name a few. I love the idea of collecting varieties of candies, and I'm hoping this section grows in the  years to come.

While these are likely the dullest representations of candy that you can imagine, it's become a really valuable tool for us while updating candycritic.org. In the past the organization has been done slightly randomly, but with this database we're hoping that it will come together in a much more organized way.

Make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with all of the work we're doing to update the site.

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